Articles scritti il 08/11/06

And here we go again...

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And here we are, less than 24 hours from our next travel to Ireland (some photos are available from our previous one).

The tension arises slowly, the mind is confused and analyses once more the last details, the last problems before we leave.

Everything seems organised, everything ready but it's impossible to let go of this sour sensation of having forgot something, of not being really ready.

Crushed by the emotion to be tomorrow evening in another country, cone again confronting the driving on the right but above all the impelling need to find a dinner and a bed, every night, for the next week.

And the mania to watch everything. To know new places and new people. The haze and the rain, maybe the cold.

For the next week this site will be unattended, please don't make damages and excuse us if we can't reply to your emails!
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