AppleGlot's bug

Matteo - 16 Jan 2007

As soon as I tried to use Apple's advanced translation tool AppleGlot, I found myself facing a cryptic error message saying:

«AppleGlot encountered some nib files but was unable to process them as nibtool, or the correct version of nibtool, could not be found.

Check that your preferences are setup correctly.»

The AppleGlot's preferences never specify anything about nibtool so I was really wondering what that was about. 

I googled for a short time: some other people have had this problem but no solution was ever offered.

The solution, as a matter of fact, is quite easy and I found it while looking in my console.log: I had put the environment folder for AppleGlot in a path containing a non–ASCII character ("ƒ" in my case). Removing that single character from the path has solved the problem.

The problem is that AppleGlot generates a command line for nibtool that is not valid as the "complex" character is sent as an UTF-8 character to the shell, that doesn't udnerstand it and nibtool returns a "file not found" error.

Actually I've later found that this is a "known bug", as it is documented in the manual ("Where AppleGlot environment should be placed"), but there's no explicit connection anywhere with the cryptic error.


AppleGlot's bug

anonymous - 2 Feb 2007 16:11

Thank you for using AppleGlot:)
The version distributed at is old, unfortunately... it should be updated.
non riesco a installare AppleGlot sul mio mac pro, sarei grata a chiunque volesse darmi un aiuto

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